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An International Day of Older Persons was organized on the theme "Our Elderly is our Gold Treasure"

At the "Nursing Home" located in Akorgan 2, there was a concert program and a concert organized by social teacher Tekebai Ulbolsyn, Adilbekova Alem and 7 "E", class teacher Darivhan Nurgul.

Purpose: To teach younger generation to listen to the elderly, to nurture the traditions of their people, to bring up their dignity and kindness. The widespread and deepening of the processes of morality, ethics, and tendencies in the relationships between people is, first of all, thoroughly developed in their separate families, that is, with the heartfelt desire of the child's parents, due to the implementation. Generations, who do not respect the elderly, do not obey the moral duty of them, do not show tact, humility and sensitivity, or absorb the blood of these qualities, or from the offspring of the heart. The essence and beauty of man's life and the confidence in the future of man are the fact that the child's parents are always indebted to their parents' indebtedness. Many elderly people who have not found warmth from their families continue to live in nursing homes.


She also performed with pupils' reading and singing. And there was a small celebratory dinner.


At the same time, Darivhan Nurgul and Tekebay Ulbolsun sang a heart-shaped song.

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ШКОЛЬНЫЙ САЙТ - это инструмент позволяющий информировать граждан о новостях происходящих в школе, в регионе и в стране. Сервисы дают возможность создания 
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