Excursion round to the city of Almaty
Participation in the district competition master of artistic reading named Abai. Ekaterina Gorbatova (the head of Amirin LB).
In Krasnoznamennoye secondary school there was a booklet competition on the topic “Say no to corruption!”. among pupils of grades 5-8. Winners are 8B students
World Health Day. Lecture "Prevention of Depression".
1st place ("The Best Scientific Project") in the Republican Olympiad on the history of Kazakhstan. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Shakirova Aigerim (head Arslanova R.A.).
3rd place in the regional exhibition of achievements of instrumental performance "The heirs of Orpheus and Korkyt". Sadyrov Damir (head Serebryakov V.A.).
In accordance with the plan for organizing and holding spring break on April 2, the Day of the Ecologist.
In order to prevent fires, fire situations
<div id="js_x" class="_5pbx userContent _3576"><p>In accordance with the plan for organizing and holding spring break on April 2 is a Family Day.</p></div><div class="_3x-2"> </div>
<pre class="tw-data-text tw-ta tw-text-small" dir="ltr"> In accordance with the plan for organizing and holding spring break, April 1 is the Day of Creativity.</pre>
<p>In accordance with the plan for organizing and holding spring break on March 29, the Day of the Ecologist.</p>
In order to prevent fires, fire situations, carbon monoxide poisoning in the school lobby, the stand "Fire Safety Measures!"