"Training Workshop on Bloom's Taxonomy“
<p><strong>From 19 to 27 November in the Association of the Kazakh language and literature school-gymnasium № 74 held a week of Kazakh language and literature on "Kazakh language - in the format of the head of the country</strong>"</p>
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O Brasil está participando no projeto Jas Diplomat ('Jovem diplomata'), organizado pelo Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros cazaque e o Akimat de Astana em parceria com as missões diplomáticas residentes nesta capital.
<span style="font-size:18pt;">Rollers are very good and necessary.</span>
School gymnasium #74 from studying the 11th republican competition “Zhyrlaidy zhurek” Mukagali Makatayeva received a prize in Astana.
The school-gymnasium №74 took part at the XI republiccompetition "Zhyrlaydy zhurek" Mukagali Makatayev in Astana
A seminar “Lesson for myself” was held.
<p>In the anti-corruption tournament "Адал ұрпақ" won the city school clubs tournament</p>
On October 24,in school gymnasium № 74 of Astana hosted a meeting with the school librarian Akerke Adilbayevna, the winner of the project "100 New Names", the scriptwriter and master student of the New York Film Academy Aidane Aidarbekov within the framework of the program "The Orientation to the Future: Spiritual Renewal". During the meeting, we were invited to the excursion to the National Museum of Kazakhstan. Nazerka Zhaksylykova,a correspondent for the magazine "Cultural Heritage", explained the value of 100 new names. At this event, Aydie told about the reasons why Aidarbekova addressed the director, describing the difference between films made in Kazakhstani cinema and abroad, and the fact that nothing should be avoided in life.I believe that the child from the village grows up in a simple family and has reached such a high level of hard work and has given a great deal of thought to the students. Excerpts from films shot by Aidana Aidarbekovа were shown during the meeting