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Welcome to Almaty!

I want to tell about Almaty. In my view, it is a charming city. Almaty is noisy, lively attractive and at the same time.  Almay is an old city. It was the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.     

Almaty is the biggest city in our country. It  is a cultural, financial and economic center of the republic. The headquarters of Halyk Bank, Kazkommertsbank, Kaspi Bank and other major banks of Kazakhstan are located in Almaty. There is a confectionery factory “Rakhat”, a factory of wines “Bacchus” here. Almaty  is a center of science in Kazakhstan. In the city are located: National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Central Asian Geographical Society,many leading universities in the country and research institutions.

Almaty is rightfully considered the cultural center of the republic. There are 270 cultural organizations in Almaty including 10 theaters, 7 concert halls, a philharmonic society 32 museums in Alma 20 art galleries, 39 libraries,  115 monuments of history, architecture and monumental art. Almaty, there is a large film studio "Kazakhfilm", as well as other small private film production studios.

In conclusion , I want to say, that the nature near Almaty is very beautiful. There are two rivers and picturesque mountains.   Sports complex "Medeo" was built in 1972 in the gorge of the same name, 15 km from the city. Medeo is the rink with the largest ice cover in the world. Above the sports complex is the Chimbulak ski resort.

I believe that Almaty was and will be worldwide  and touristic city.



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