As part of the "Safe Internet" campaign, the "Safe Internet" campaign was organized in our school. Responsible Mukhamedyarova Bayan Omarovna
As part of the "Safe Internet" campaign, an open educational hour on the topic "Culture of using Internet resources" was held in the 3rd grade at our school. Responsible Ayup Gainikamal Azamatovna
As part of the “Safe Internet” campaign, an open campaign “The Internet through the eyes of children” was organized in our school in the Balbulak mini-center.
Competitions in togyzkumalak, drafts and chess on the topic "Internet and sport" were organized in our school as part of the action "Safe Internet". Responsible Mukhamedzhanov Kuanysh Maulyevich.
Mektebіmіzde "Internet қauіpsіzdіgi" taқyrybynda suret kөrmesі uyymdastyryldy. Zhauapty Abdrakhmanov Sagit Amangeldinovich
Mektebіmіzdің medbikesі Uzhkeeva Olga Valerievna oменushylarmen "Internetke taueldіlіk" taқyrybynda aқparatttyk-tusіndіrmelіk zhumys zhurgizdі.