Announcement of the Board ofTrustees CGI "Dragomirovsecondaryschool" CGI "Department of Education of Tayynshinskydistrict" CGI "Department of Education of Akimat of NorthKazakhstanregion"announcestheelection of the Board of Trusteeson the basis of the Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of KazakhstanNo.56dated03/01/2023.Acceptance of documentsendsafter20(twenty)calendardays,from09/5/2024to09/25/2024.. Candidates, within the time limits specifiedin the announcementof the election of the Board of Trusteesand the acceptance of proposalsonitscomposition,submit the followingdocuments to the Commission: 1)application(inanyform); 2) a copy of the candidate's identitydocument; 3)resumeinKazakhorRussian; 4) a copy of the documenton the availability of education(ifavailable); 5)documentsconfirming the absence of criminal recordandcorruptionoffensesissued by the territorialdivisions of the CommitteeonLegalStatisticsandSpecialAccounts of the ProsecutorGeneral's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Candidatesprovideadditionalinformationabout their professional(or)socialactivities. The documents are sentto the school's emailaddress:derewnya66@yandex.ruToclarify the information: Address: Dragomirovka village,MirastreetContactphone:8(71536)55-3-70