Participation in the regional competition of children's social initiatives “Menin Bastauym - Menin Aukylma”
Timurov movement. Anti-flood measures
<pre class="tw-data-text tw-ta tw-text-small" dir="ltr">In accordance with the plan for organizing and conducting spring breaks on March 28 is Profession Day. </pre>
<pre class="tw-data-text tw-ta tw-text-small" dir="ltr">In order to implement the plan of antiterrorist measures and the prevention of emergency situations by the teacher-organizer of NVP Volokhov O.I. for the employees of the Krasnoznamennoe secondary school, a lecture was given on the topic “The behavior of citizens in conditions of a potential threat of a terrorist attack”. </pre>
According to the plan for organizing and conducting spring holidays , the 27 of March is declared the Day of Intellectuals and Young Experts .A regional competition of children’s social initiatives “Menin Bastauym- Menin Aulyma” was held in the Palace of Schoolchildren.
According to the plan for organizing and conducting spring holidays , the 26 of March is declared the day of hobbies.
Students of grades 5-11 under the guidance of technology teachers Khrushchev V.P. and Volokhov O.I. organized exhibition of applied arts "Armansyn, as Nauryz!"
From March 14 to March 26, there was move “Ulkenge – Kurmet, Kishіge – Izет”
On March 20 there was a solemn concert dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz
The celebration of Nauryz in the village of Krasnoznamennoye. Kazakh cuisine and our artists!