Меню KDT


Главная Новости


Participation in the regional competition of children's social initiatives “Menin Bastauym - Menin Aukylma”

Participation in the regional competition of children's social initiatives “Menin Bastauym - Menin Aukylma”


Profession Day

<pre class="tw-data-text tw-ta tw-text-small" dir="ltr">In accordance with the plan for organizing and conducting spring breaks on March 28 is Profession Day. </pre>


Lecture for school staff

<pre class="tw-data-text tw-ta tw-text-small" dir="ltr">In order to implement the plan of antiterrorist measures and the prevention of emergency situations by the teacher-organizer of  NVP Volokhov O.I. for the employees of the Krasnoznamennoe secondary school, a lecture was given on the topic “The behavior of citizens in conditions of a potential threat of a terrorist attack”. </pre>


Day of Intellectuals and Young Experts

According to the plan for organizing and conducting spring holidays , the 27 of March is declared the Day of Intellectuals and Young Experts .A regional competition of children’s social initiatives “Menin Bastauym- Menin Aulyma” was held in the Palace of Schoolchildren.


Day of hobbies

According to the plan for organizing and conducting spring holidays , the 26 of March is declared the day of hobbies. 


Еxhibition of applied arts "Armansyn, as Nauryz!"

Students of grades 5-11 under the guidance of technology teachers Khrushchev V.P. and Volokhov O.I. organized exhibition of applied arts "Armansyn, as Nauryz!"


Move “Ulkenge – Kurmet, Kishіge – Izет”

From March 14 to March 26, there was move “Ulkenge – Kurmet, Kishіge – Izет”


Solemn concert dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz

On March 20 there was a solemn concert dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz


The celebration of Nauryz in the village of Krasnoznamennoye.

The celebration of Nauryz in the village of Krasnoznamennoye. Kazakh cuisine and our artists!