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The celebration of languages ​​was held on "Respect for language - respect for the countr

It is our duty to be
respectful and to be respected. September 22 - Day of languages of people of
Kazakhstan. The state language is the language that unites the people of
Kazakhstan. On September 21, the celebration of languages was held on "Respect
for language - respect for the country". The purpose of the event was to increase
students respect for their mother tongue and to improve their language status. We
would like to note that the event was held in Kazakh, Russian and English
languages. This is a demonstration of the readiness of students to speak fluently in
three languages.
    At first Kazakh bies: Tole bi, Kazybek bi, Aiteke bi came out on the stage and
said that the power of the Kazakh language is higher than all the sacred riches we
have left our ancestors. The leaders continued their greetings in three languages. In
their speeches, the leaders introduced the students to the history of the Language
Day. Russian, Kazakh, English songs, national dance performances and delighted
viewers. In the middle of the quiz questions were held with spectators. The
questions were arranged in three languages and the audience was able to answer
questions in three languages. Special prizes were awarded to the winners.
     Students from 10 th grade performed the works of Abai and Pushkin in two
languages and effectively communicated the poet's harmony. Elementary
schoolchildren read poetry in English and sang the song ;Always Sun Shine in
three languages and brought the evening's fashion. At the end of the performance,
the song "Astana" was performed and all the students decided to celebrate the
holiday on the occasion of the holiday in our country, the unity of our multiethnic
state under the leadership of our Head of State, peace and harmony under the blue

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Чтобы оставлять комментарии авторизуйтесь
AGARTU - призвана
привлекать граждан, 
к обсуждению решений 
проблем. Интеграциия
на платформе 
социальной сферы и 
бизнеса, даёт уникальную 
возможность информирования
о товарах и услугах, 
"в режиме одного окна".
OTANBILIM.KZ - портал развитияе интелектуального потенциала, зарождающийся у детей в дошкольном и школьном возрасте. Цифровые гаджеты в руках педагогов и детей, надо направить на оптимизацию процесса обучения.
инструмент позволяющий
информировать граждан
о новостях 
происходящих в
школе, в регионе и в стране.
Сервисы дают возможность
сообществ и
обсуждений для 
в процессе обучения 
родителей и школьников.
МОБИЛЬНОЕ П РИЛОЖЕНИЕ объединяет сервисы платформы и позволяет легко переходить из социальной, в торговую часть платформы и обратно, управлять сайтами и сервисами удаленно и быть постоянно через систему уведомлений в курсе последних событий  платформы. 


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