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New Year's holiday at school

On December 29, 2022, the long-awaited New Year's holiday for students of grades 0-9 was held at the school. New Year for children is a time of fairy tales and miracles. At this time, children are waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and, of course, gifts. The guys, together with their classroom teachers, showed incredible imagination in the design of the classrooms. In the classroom where it was held, the approach of a magical holiday was felt. New Year's holiday is a wonderful holiday associated with hopes for the best in the coming year, with the expectation of fulfillment of all desires. The hall with the audience turned into a theater, on the stage of which a real performance was played. The guys fully demonstrated their acting abilities. Songs and dances followed each other. Several hours flew by like a flash. That's how our school celebrated the New Year, cheerfully and amicably. And ahead of the New Year holidays ... and the most amazing days. The New Year took place and it was a success. All the events were positive, the guys, leaving school, carried with them a charge of but

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